
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Want Facebook’s new Timeline profile? Here’s how to enable it right now

During yesterday’s f8 keynote, Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced the new redesign for the site’s profiles coming soon called “Timeline.” A beta version is available for developers now, but for the rest of us, it seemed that we’d have to wait a few weeks before we were able to use Timeline.
It’s not necessarily the easiest process. You basically have to become a developer and make a fake app so that Facebook will give you access to the new feature. But if you really want to be the first of your friends to have a Timeline profile, here’s what you’ll need to do:
  1. Log into your Facebook account. Click here, and give permission to the Developer app to access your basic info.
  2. Click “Create New App.”
  3. Give it a random display name and namespace, and click the “I Agree” box.
  4. You’ll be directed to the Facebook Developers main page. Here, click on “Open Graph” on the left-hand column.
  5. Fill in whatever you want in the following fields. You’ll need to pick an action for the first box and an object in the second box — like a Mad Libs! It really doesn’t matter what you put in the fields, but we’re assuming it’s probably best to choose SFW actions and objects. Then click “Get Started.”
  6. Scroll to the bottom of the next page and click “Save Changes and Next.” Repeat that step for the next page.
  7. You may have to wait a bit for your app to be processed. Just go back to your homepage and wait for your invite to enable Timeline.
  8. You’ll then be greeted with a window that says “Introducing Timeline — A New Kind of Profile.” Click “Get it Now,” and that’s it.
Unless you’re actually a developer, you might not want to waste your time with all of this since the new profile layout will sure to be a bit buggy. Let us know if you end up going through the steps and getting early access to Timeline.
Alternatively, check out this video: